Vision and Mission Statements
To inspire, lead and facilitate collaboration to drive environmental outcomes!
The Pine Rivers will be known as a healthy and sustainable catchment as we lead and coordinate environmental and community outcomes.
About Pine Rivers Catchment Association
Our Association
The Pine Rivers Catchment Association is a not-for-profit community based organisation. Please click on the link to read our constitution. We were formed to promote action within the community and through interested sectors to achieve sustainable, responsible and productive management of the Pine Rivers Catchment, both now and into the future.
Our Objectives
One of the Pine Rivers Catchment Association’s (PRCA) major objectives is to promote the awareness and understanding of the interactions between land, water and other related biological resources within the Pine Rivers Catchment. Doing so will help people to recognise the value of a coordinated, catchment wide approach to managing these resources. Essential to the success of Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) in Pine Rivers is the identification of land and water resource issues within the catchment, finding solutions to existing and future problems and agreeing on actions through public and government participation and co-operation. PRCA is dedicated to the planned and ecologically sustainable growth of the Pine Rivers catchment in a balanced and constructive way.
Our members come from throughout the community, industry, agriculture and local and state government. Representatives of these stakeholder groups are elected each year onto PRCA’s Management Committee to oversee the activities of the Association. Catchment Associations like the PRCA help to foster coordination between individuals, residents, landholders, industry, community groups, businesses and governments in their on-ground actions to manage land, water and vegetation. Through this process natural resource management decisions can be made that are acceptable to all those involved.
Our Key Partners


City of Moreton Bay
Our History
Our Team
- Derek Johnson -
Deputy Chair
- David Houghton -
- Richard Clarkson -
- John Atkins -
Committee Members
- Linda Kalle (Membership Engagement)
- Margaret Goody (People and Culture)
- Madonna O'Brien (Wildlife Management)
- Graeme Beuth (Business Management)
PRCA continues to seek volunteer members to be involved in the work of the Association.
Project Officers
- Daniel Pagotto (Senior PO) -
- Mitch Peake (PO) -
- Ianuk Athien-Hayes (PO) -
- Jason Ramsay (PO) -
Volunteer Leaders
- Rita Larson
- Janet Mangan
- Carole Bristow
- Jack Whiting
- Andrew Sides
- Jason Hansen
Office Manager
- Trudi Young -